

VVIEW - View the attainable virtual control set.


function ratio = vview(B,plim,P)


 VVIEW - View the attainable virtual control set.
  1) vview(B,plim)

 Shows the attainable virtual control set considering actuator
 position constraints, given by { v : v = B*u, umin < u < umax }.

  2) ratio = vview(B,plim,P)
 Compares the set of feasible virtual control inputs when

  a) the actuator redundancy is fully utilized (as above) [blue]
  b) a linear allocation control law u = Pv is used (BP = I) [red]

 The second set is given by { v : umin < P*v < umax }.

 B      control effectiveness matrix (k x m)
 plim   control position limits [min max] (m x 2)
 P      virtual control law matrix (m x k)
 ratio  The ratio between the sizes (areas, volumes, ...)
        of the two sets

 The result is only graphically illustrated for k = 1, 2, or 3.

 See also: VVIEW_DEMO


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function ratio = vview(B,plim,P)
0003 % VVIEW - View the attainable virtual control set.
0004 %
0005 %  1) vview(B,plim)
0006 %
0007 % Shows the attainable virtual control set considering actuator
0008 % position constraints, given by { v : v = B*u, umin < u < umax }.
0009 %
0010 %  2) ratio = vview(B,plim,P)
0011 %
0012 % Compares the set of feasible virtual control inputs when
0013 %
0014 %  a) the actuator redundancy is fully utilized (as above) [blue]
0015 %  b) a linear allocation control law u = Pv is used (BP = I) [red]
0016 %
0017 % The second set is given by { v : umin < P*v < umax }.
0018 %
0019 %  Inputs:
0020 %  -------
0021 % B      control effectiveness matrix (k x m)
0022 % plim   control position limits [min max] (m x 2)
0023 % P      virtual control law matrix (m x k)
0024 %
0025 %  Outputs:
0026 %  --------
0027 % ratio  The ratio between the sizes (areas, volumes, ...)
0028 %        of the two sets
0029 %
0030 % The result is only graphically illustrated for k = 1, 2, or 3.
0031 %
0032 % See also: VVIEW_DEMO
0034 % Model dimensions
0035   [k,m] = size(B);
0037   % ------------------------------------------------
0038   %  a) Find maximum attainable virtual control set
0039   %     considering constraints.
0040   % ------------------------------------------------
0042   % Generate matrix to index corners of feasible control set.
0043   idx = zeros(2^m,m);
0044   M = 1:m;
0045   for i = 1:2^m;
0046     cbin = dec2bin(i-1,m); % '001'
0047     c = str2num(cbin')'; % [0 0 1]
0048     c = c(end:-1:1); % [1 0 0]
0049     idx(i,:) = 2*M - c;
0050   end
0052   % Generate corner points of the feasible control set.
0053   plimT = plim';
0054   U = plimT(idx)';
0056   % Compute the corresponding points in the virtual control space
0057   V = B*U;
0059   if nargin > 2
0061     % ---------------------------------------------
0062     %  b) Find attainable virtual control set when
0063     %     a linear control law u=Pv is used.
0064     % ---------------------------------------------
0066     % We want to determine where the k-dim. hyperplane Pv
0067     % intersects the m-dim. hyperbox of feasible controls.
0068     % To get the corner points of this set, solve
0069     % Pv = x where x has k specified entries.
0070     %
0071     % Example: m=3, k=1 -> points will lie on surfaces
0072     %          m=3, k=2 -> points will lie on edges
0074     % Generate index matrix for all combinations of min and max indeces
0075     % in k dimensions.
0076     sub_idx = idx(1:2^k,1:k);
0078     Ulin = [];
0079     % Loop over all combinations of dimensions
0080     i_dim = nchoosek(1:m,k);
0081     for i = 1:size(i_dim,1)
0082       % For each combination, compute the intersections with all
0083       % possible min/max combinations.
0085       % k-dimensional min/max combinations
0086       sub_plimT = plimT(:,i_dim(i,:));
0087       sub_u_boundary = sub_plimT(sub_idx)';
0089       % Determine which virtual control sub_u_boundary corresponds to
0090       sub_P = P(i_dim(i,:),:);
0091       if rank(sub_P) == k % Avoid "parallel" cases
0092         % Solve sub_u_boundary = sub_P v for v
0093     v = sub_P\sub_u_boundary;
0094     % Determine the full countol vector (contains sub_u_boundary)
0095     u_boundary = P*v;
0097     % Store feasible points
0098     i_feas = feasible(u_boundary,plim);
0099     Ulin = [Ulin u_boundary(:,i_feas)];
0100       end
0101     end
0103     % Compute the corresponing points in the virtual control space
0104     Vlin = B*Ulin;
0106   end
0108   % Compute and visualize the convex hull of the set(s)
0109   clf
0110   switch k
0111    case 1
0112     K = [min(V) max(V)];
0113     if nargin > 2
0114       Klin = [min(Vlin) max(Vlin)];
0115       ratio = diff(Klin)/diff(K);
0117       % Illustrate
0118       plot(K,[0 0],'b-o',Klin,-[0 0],'r-o')
0119     else
0120       plot(K,[0 0],'b-o')
0121     end
0122     xlabel('v')
0124    case 2
0125     [K,area1] = convhull(V(1,:),V(2,:));
0126     if nargin > 2
0127       [Klin,area2] = convhull(Vlin(1,:),Vlin(2,:));
0128       ratio = area2/area1;
0130       % Illustrate
0131       fill(V(1,K),V(2,K),[.95 .95 1],...
0132        Vlin(1,Klin),Vlin(2,Klin),[1 1 .9])
0133       hold on;
0134       plot(Vlin(1,Klin),Vlin(2,Klin),'r',V(1,K),V(2,K),'b')
0135       hold off;
0136     else
0137       fill(V(1,K),V(2,K),[.95 .95 1]);
0138       hold on;
0139       plot(V(1,K),V(2,K),'b')
0140       hold off;
0141     end
0142     axis equal;
0143     xlabel('v_1')
0144     ylabel('v_2')
0146    otherwise
0147     [K,vol1]    = convhulln(V');
0148     if nargin > 2
0149       [Klin,vol2] = convhulln(Vlin');
0150       ratio = vol2/vol1;
0151     end
0153     if k == 3
0154       % Illustrate
0155       if nargin > 2
0156     h = polyplot(Klin,Vlin',1);
0157     set(h,'EdgeColor','r','FaceColor',[1 1 .9]);
0158     hold on;
0159     % Fix: Make V wireframe enclose Vlin
0160     V0 = repmat(mean(V')',1,size(V,2));
0161     V = 1.0001*(V-V0)+V0;
0162     h = polyplot(K,V',1);
0163     set(h,'EdgeColor',[.6 .6 1],'FaceColor','none');
0164     hold off
0165       else
0166     h = polyplot(K,V',1);
0167     set(h,'EdgeColor','b','FaceColor',[.95 .95 1]);
0168       end
0170       xlabel('v_1')
0171       ylabel('v_2')
0172       zlabel('v_3')
0173       view(3);
0174       axis equal;
0175       axis vis3d;
0176       grid on;
0177     end
0178   end
0180 function f = feasible(x,plim)
0181 % x   m*n
0182 % lb  m
0183 % ub  m
0185   m = size(x,1);
0187   % Mean point
0188   x0 = mean(plim,2);
0190   % Make the mean point the origin
0191   x = x - x0*ones(1,size(x,2));
0192   lb = plim(:,1) - x0; % < 0
0193   ub = plim(:,2) - x0; % > 0
0195   % Check for feasibility
0196   tol = 1e-5;
0197   f = sum((diag(1./ub)*x <= 1+tol) & (diag(1./lb)*x <= 1+tol)) == m;
0199 function h = polyplot(face,vert,merge)
0201   if merge 
0202     % Merge adjacent, parallel triangles to get fewer lines that
0203     % are not edges of the polyhedron.
0204     face4 = [];
0205     % Loop over all combinations of triangles
0206     k = 1;
0207     while k < size(face,1)
0208       l = k+1;
0209       while l <= size(face,1)
0210     iv = intersect(face(k,:),face(l,:)); % Intersecting vertices
0211     if length(iv) == 2 % Two common vertices
0212       % Are the faces parallel?
0213       niv = setxor(face(k,:),face(l,:)); % Non-intersecting vertices
0214       % Vectors from first common vertex to remaining three vertices
0215       A = [vert(iv(2),:)  - vert(iv(1),:);
0216            vert(niv(1),:) - vert(iv(1),:);
0217            vert(niv(2),:) - vert(iv(1),:)];
0218       if abs(det(A))<100*eps
0219         % Vectors lie in same plane -> create patch with four vertices
0220         face4 = [face4 ; iv(1) niv(1) iv(2) niv(2)];
0221         % ... and remove the two triangles
0222         face = face([1:k-1 k+1:l-1 l+1:end],:);
0223         k = k-1;
0224         break
0225       end      
0226     end
0227     l = l+1;
0228       end % inner loop
0229       k = k+1;
0230     end % outer loop
0231     h = [patch('Faces',face,'Vertices',vert)
0232      patch('Faces',face4,'Vertices',vert)];
0233   else
0234     % Just plot the polyhedron made up by triangles
0235     h = patch('Faces',face,'Vertices',vert);
0236   end

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